
Lal Kitaab Course

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Lal Kitab Course

Acharya dimple is practicing Lal Kitaab from past 7 years and she is providing solution for every problems her clients face.

She has helped clients in solving problems of :-

  • Child birth
  • disputed Properties
  • Late marriages
  • Problem in married life
  • Domestic violence on women.
  • Child not studying properly.
  • Purchase of new properties.
  • Purchase of new vehicles.

The remedies are:-

  • Easy to do.
  • No side effects.
  • No heavy remedies at all.
  • cost efficient.
  • Instant results.

Call Now+91 9873530830, if you are searching for Best Lal Kitab Classes in Subhash Nagar, T
ilak Nagar, Lal Kitab Classes, Lal Kitab Classes online. Over the years Lal Kitab also known as RED BOOK has become part of a remedial astrology science which helps in unravelling the tight knots of destiny. Lal Kitab is not a single book, it is in fact a collection of the five books (Five Sanskrit), written between the period of 1939-1952. Lal Kitab is considered unique or as a wonder book in astrology science. Actually it’s based on planetary position in individual’s horoscope (houses of kindle). It’s based on the fact that every planet in each house of horoscope can be benefice and malefic which can further be analyses. After analysis of nature of planet in a particular horoscope and house, provides one with tremendous remedial measures to remove ill effects of malefic planets and to take benefits of good positioned planets. All its remedies are completely logical.

Lal kitab itself is still a true . Originally it is written in Urdu in the form of poetical verses or Farman’s, which is very difficult for a simple man to understand and then apply on its horoscope. So our institution serves you with a well-designed and simplified version Course on Lal kitab Remedies.


Join Professional & Advanced Lal Kitab Remedies Course in Delhi, OnIine and Offline All Over India,

  1. Introduction to Lal kitab
  2. Lal-kitab kundali Concept (कालपुरुष कुंडली)
  3. Varsh phal Horoscope creation and Remedies
  4. Planets and 12 house Results = ( ग्रहों का भाव अनुसार फल )
  5. Symptom based Predictions through 12 houses
  6. Remedies for every planet in each of horoscope.
  7. 9 Planets & 12 House Remedies
  8. Some Special topics based on their significance in human life
  9. Marriages
  10. Travel
  11. Childbirth
  12. Education and career
  13. Live  Studies
  14. Practical Exposure and Doubt sessions

Grammar of Lal kitab:

  1. Type of kundli
  2. Definition and explanation of Lal kitab
  3. Planets in Lal kitab
  4. Planets and  Relatives of individual
  5. Pakkegrah Concept
  6. Exalted and Debilitated Concept (उच्च के ग्रह और नीच के ग्रह )
  7. Dhokhe ke grah (धोखे के ग्रह )
  8. Buniyadi grah (बुनियादी ग्रह  )
  9. बाली का बकरा
  10. बुध का भेद
  11. बुध की नाली
  12. खानो की गरामर (khano ki grammar )
  13. Achanak chot dene wale grah (अचानक चोट देने वाले ग्रह)
  14. Kismet ke grah (किस्मत के ग्रह )
  15. Lal kitab Special Aspects
  16. (लाल किताब की विशेष दृष्टि)
  17. Lal kitab Takkar(लाल किताब टक्कर)
  18. Soya bhav and  Grah (सोया भाव – सोया ग्रह
  1. Andhi kundali (अंधी कुंडली)
  2. Ratondhi kundali (रतोंधी कुंडली)
  3. Nabalik kundali (नाबालिक कुंडली)
  4. Dharmi kundali (धर्मी कुंडली)
  5. Sathi kundali (साथी कुंडली)
  6. Kayam kundali (कायम कुंडली)
  7. Bali ka Bakra Concept (बली का बकरा)
  8. Banavati Grah (मश्नुई के ग्रह और बनावटी ग्रह)
  9. 35 year Cycle of Planets in Lal kitab(ग्रहों का 35 साला चक्र: ग्रहो की समय अवधि )
  10. शनि और माकन –मंगल बद्ध : प्रकार व उपायType of kundli
  11. Andhi kundali (अंधी कुंडली)
  12. Ratondhi kundali (रतोंधी कुंडली)
  13. Nabalik kundali (नाबालिक कुंडली)
  14. Dharmi kundali (धर्मी कुंडली)
  15. Sathi kundali (साथी कुंडली)
  16. Kayam kundali (कायम कुंडली)
  17. Bali ka Bakra Concept (बली का बकरा)
  18. Banavati Grah (मश्नुई के ग्रह और बनावटी ग्रह)
  19. 35 year Cycle of Planets in Lal kitab(ग्रहों का 35 साला चक्र: ग्रहो की समय अवधि )शनि और माकनमंगल बद्ध : प्रकार व उपाय